5 Feet of Fury

See you at the Pamela Geller/ Robert Spencer event in Toronto tonight!

Attempts to shut the event down have failed spectacularly, as Pamela Geller notes:

Our talk has been “flagged by Canadian Muslim leaders” who are worried that we will spread “hate and misinformation.” “Canadian Muslim leaders”? “Hate and misinformation?” Actually, the group that is complaining, the National Council of Canadian Muslims, was up until recently known as CAIR-Canada. (…)

And even if they were legitimate “Muslim leaders,” what moral authority does that give them? Osama bin Laden was a Muslim leader, as was Anwar al-Awlaki, and as are Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mohamed Morsi, and Anjem Choudary.

It is not Spencer and I, but “Muslim leaders” like these who are the ones who are really spreading hate. Their bigotry and racism is real, the human toll incalculable.

Truth is now hate. And what misinformation exactly do I spread? I merely quote devout Muslims. Fighting for freedom, equality for all and individual rights is “hate and misinformation?” Only under the Sharia. But that’s how far down the rabbit hole the media and the culture have crawled.