5 Feet of Fury

Or as I call it, ‘The Ransom of Red Fruits’

Richard Klagsbrun notes that useless Canadian idiots Loubani and John Greyson are going on a “juice fast” protest or something:

I expect Egypt will want to rid themselves of the useless Canadian idiots in the not distant future. If Egypt wanted to perform an altruistic act of humanitarianism, they should consider extracting a promise from Greyson to stop making the horrible, tasteless, boring creations he has the audacity to describe as “films.”

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely anything in this world will prevent Greyson from going on some self-promoting, sanctimonious tour when he returns, in which he will be interminably described as a hero. Because among his circle, incredible stupidity and vapid hypocrisy are as close to heroism as they are likely to get.