5 Feet of Fury

‘I suggest a practical solution that will also make some people very rich’

Robert Weissberg writes:

I propose a reality TV program called Drunks Gone Wild where inebriated guests discuss the day’s news with a special emphasis on “controversial” subjects. Think Fox News Channel’s The Five or CNN’s newly refurbished Crossfire, but with lots of alcohol. (…)

No taboo will survive these “discussions,” and I guarantee sky-high ratings plus millions in advertising revenue. Even true PC believers will come clean after the third 5-to-1 Bombay Martini.

But more important than, say, Eric Holder’s vision of a truly honest conversation about race would be widespread opportunities for millions to have this conversation safely just by talking about Drunks Gone Wild episodes. Merely begin the conservation with “Of course I’m not a racist myself and have always supported civil rights, but did you see last night’s show where a bunch of bombed Chicago cops recounted the daily sexual peccadillos of teenagers in the housing projects? And a slobbering drunk in the audience told about a 10-year-old girl already turning tricks!”

Such episodes will find their way to YouTube, and many of the panelists will become heroes for their honesty. At a minimum, Drunks Gone Wild will be a great national catharsis.