5 Feet of Fury

Dr. Phil’s ‘drunk sex’ tweet: My NEW Taki’s column

Comments should be relatively “Joooo!” free this time:

In my day, “all sex is rape” was the prevailing radical-feminist wisdom. Now it seems to be that “drunk sex is rape”—or not.

There’s some debate about whether or not this latest pronouncement is just a spread-eagled straw woman reeking of tequila, one of those outrageous sexual-politics “rules” that everyone is convinced everyone else is trying to shove down society’s throat (as it were.)

The obvious flaw in this latest slice of puritanical progressive “thought” is obvious, if somewhat embarrassing. (See “old broad,” above.)

On his podcast, Adam Carolla asked female comedian Nikki Glaser what she thought of the new “law” that “drunk sex is rape.”

Blindsided, she chirped back, “I’ve only ever been raped! I just realized that.”

(“I’ve raped myself,” Carolla put in.)