5 Feet of Fury

‘I never thought I would be nostalgic for squeegee kids…’

Laura Rosen Cohen writes:

…but the award for most annoying youth on Toronto sidewalks now goes to the throngs of young fundraisers preying on pedestrians on behalf of countless “non-profit” organizations. (…)

My mother came up with a very simple rule for charities and non-profits.

The litmus test of any alleged ‘do good’ organization must always be “how can I get what you are offering.” This is brilliant in its simplicity. The degree to which it is easy or impossible for a person in need to access the said service or assistance is the measure of its integrity.

When requested several years ago on her utility bill to make a donation that would “help poor people with their winter heating bills,” my mother called the company to ask how the poor people would get that help. The call centre employee was unable (or perhaps unwilling) to answer that question, nor could any of the managers.