5 Feet of Fury

O’Hehir: Detroit went bankrupt because Republicans hate Smokey Robinson

Steve Sailer fisks Salon.com.

From the comments:

Let’s say O’Hehir is right and that all the Tom Buchanans and Pat Buchanans of the world did and do hate cities like Detroit because they were too black, and they use all their means to avoid such cities. But why did white liberals flee from such vibrant cities too? Did Tom/Pat Buchanan order all the white liberals to leave Detroit? Did Tom/Pat Buchanan order or force cities like Chicago and NY to segregate, use stop-and-frisk racial profiling, and use gentric cleansing to push blacks out by using homos as a ramming rod of rising house prices via gay gentrification and massive gay ‘pride’ parades that turns most blacks off?

And where does O’Hehir live? Why don’t he and his wonderful white liberal friends go to places like Detroit to put down their roots among all them wonderful Negroes? Why not partake of that wondrous ‘vibrancy’? Who is stopping him and his friends from doing so? Pat Robertson and Mitt Romney?

All this stuff about ‘racist reactionary whites'(especially of the South) is just a red herring to divert people’s attention from the fact that LIBERAL WHITES try to avoid too-black places just like anyone else. By focusing attention on ‘rightwing whites’, liberal whites try to avert our eyes from the fact their own blue liberal cities are just as racially segregated, divided, and hostile.