5 Feet of Fury

‘Toward a Post-Racial Society — Or Maybe Not’

Frank J. writes:

Maybe, then, it’s time to acknowledge that we’re all too stupid to talk on the subject of race. Sure, we each have our own unique perspectives to add, but mainly we also have a lot of idiocy to stir into the pot as well. I’ve probably already had some in this column. And I think a big part of it is that no one really understands the racism of today. It’s not the blatantly evil racism of the Jim Crow south; it’s the racism of a country that elected a black president thinking that would solve everything. It’s a weirder, sillier racism that none of us quite understand well enough to discuss intelligently.

So I’m going to propose a new tactic: Instead of a national conversation on race, let’s try a national shutting up on race. (…)

Also, not talking about race will be a bigger adjustment for some than for others. Presumably, Al Sharpton will starve to death. But his will hopefully be a sacrifice toward a better, more functional society.