5 Feet of Fury

Roger L. Simon: Confessions of a Racist


When I see a black gangbanger walking down the sidewalk toward me at night, sometimes I cross to the other side. Even if he’s not wearing a hoodie.

Ditto for skanky white guys in ponytails who look like meth heads, bandana-clad Mexicans who might be members of the Zetas, and Asian guys with ominous Fu Manchus, black belts, and ninja pajamas.

UPDATE: In one of his books, Obama admits to “racially profiling” four young black men.

UPDATESailer writes:

By the way, regarding Matthew Yglesias’s admission today in Slate that the two criminals who knocked him down with punches as he walked about a mile north of the Supreme Court building were black …

I’ve often been accused of racial profiling and racist bigotry (which, in today’s dominant narrative are assumed to be identical) for assuming that Yglesias’s assailants were black.

After all, Yglesias’s original account of the apparently random attack didn’t mention the race of the criminals.

My reasoning was two-fold:

– that nonblack criminals generally don’t hang around in black neighborhoods to commit random street crimes like beating up strolling white philosophy majors

– and Yglesias would have said so if they weren’t black.

(Moreover, several months after the assault, he mentioned on his former blog that they were black, confirming my initial surmise, but that blog became hard to search after he moved to Slate.)

Obviously, I was right all along from day one.

But being right is racist.

It’s like I keep saying:

Yesterday’s “racist” opinion is tomorrow’s mainstream “news.”