5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s piece: Benjamin Levin’s child porn charges

Comments should be really “Joooo!!”-y, unfortunately. I’m not even gonna bother.

You’ll notice pretty quickly if you tune in to underclass sideshows such as Judge Judy that the hapless participants, whatever their age or color, have one thing in common:

“Incarcerated” is the biggest word they know.

They pronounce it so proudly, too, clearly chuffed about their mastery over all five syllables. Best of all, they’re serenely oblivious to just how idiotic this dubious “accomplishment” makes them appear to the non-felonious majority.

The elite’s version of “incarcerated” is “educator.” Have you noticed that no one’s just a lowly “teacher” anymore?

Like losers who try to give themselves cool nicknames that never catch on, “educators” don’t seem to realize the antipodean effect this pretentious affectation has on mere mortals.

So what fearsome cosmic forces might be unleashed when worlds (or in this case, words) collide?

When “educators” wind up “incarcerated”?