5 Feet of Fury

I’m back (but not really)

Power went out across Toronto last night around 6:15pm, about 2.5 hours after Arnie left for Quebec.

Seems two huge storms collided and we ended up getting 100cm mm (f metric!) of rain in a couple of hours. (Previous July 8 record was 30cm)  mm.)

I had no power, no water and no phone. A cell phone probably wouldn’t have helped because I heard via the hand crank LLBean radio that some people had no cell service, either.

PS: if you don’t have one of those radios — or any battery operated radio in the house — do consider getting one. I would have gone mental(er) without local talk radio (Newstalk 1010).

Hearing those stories from callers, it could have been worse: little boats were dispatched up the flooded Don Valley Parkway to rescue passengers trapped in a commuter train. GoTrains are double decker and the bottom level flooded, so everyone had to run upstairs. Folks were evacuated only a few at a time because the boats were small.

When you hear that stuff, you are grateful to at least be dry and comfortable, with your radio, candles and cat.

The hydro thing right next to our condo is still flooded (along with the subway station next door to it) so they are saying we may not have full power until tomorrow.

Right now we are at a particularly low class Tim Horton’s near the airport, to take advantage of the free WiFi. As God as my witness, I’ll never let Arnie drive past a Starbucks again.

Yes, Arnie made it to Quebec and back without issue.

Sorry for the lack of posting, and thanks for your patience!