5 Feet of Fury

JG Ballard predicted social media, reality TV in 1977

In Vogue magazine.

However, like a lot of his “predictions,” this one isn’t that extraordinary — he was just a very perceptive man who was willing and able to think ahead.

For example, there’s nothing really amazing about Ballard predicting — back in 1967 — that one day Ronald Reagan would be president.

What’s extraordinary to me is how anyone who has watched Reagan’s “A Time for Choosing” address, delivered three years earlier, could ever doubt it.

But then: people are stupid.

And when they aren’t stupid, they’re wimpy.

Also, Ballard’s Crash simply takes the nation’s “love affair” with the car literally. Duh.

I’m frankly surprised he was the first one to think about writing something like that, and he probably wasn’t.

Ballard simply had the guts to write it down.

So back to the “reality TV” stuff:

An American Family aired on PBS in 1971. Ballard’s “prediction” — six long years later — simply posits that one day, everyone can be their own “Loud family.”

Again: Duh.