5 Feet of Fury

‘Requiem for the Ballerinas’

Dr. Gerald Nadal:

This all comes to mind after attending my children’s dance recital this weekend. Their school has begun to drift from its wholesome moorings, as evidenced by 5-6 year olds in hula skirts turning their backs to the audience, placing one hand on a hip, and shaking their bottoms for a good 15 seconds to the hoots, hollers, whistles and cheers of the audience. It was the loudest and most raucus applause of the show. My three who collectively dance Irish step, tap, modern, and ballet were repulsed.

I was nauseated…

the innocence of the innocents stands as a howling rebuke of their parents’ past and present sinful lifestyles.

Adults, cut off from God, lost and without hope of personal redemption find it easier at some level to inculcate their licentiousness in the children than to clean up their own acts.

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