5 Feet of Fury

One (pathetic, wimpy) girl’s ‘bad date with a guy she describes as a C-list Canadian celebrity’

BlindGossip via XOJane:

…I met a man I’ll call Keith at an outdoor concert in Toronto last year. I was sitting with a group of people, Jake Gyllenhaal among them (sorry for the name drop, but he factors into the story later), and Keith walked up to introduce himself to us.

I knew of Keith because he has a successful radio show in Canada. A lot of Canadians love him for his views, interviews, and radio voice. (…)

The next day, I sent Keith a public Twitter message saying it was nice to meet him. It was. I, like many Canadians, was a fan of his show.

Actually, truth be told, I’ve never listened to his show, but still, I appreciated him as a talented radio personality.

Keith wrote me a private message soon after saying he read some of my work online and really liked my writing. (…)

The next night, I met him at a wine bar for a quick drink before the show. When I walked in, I was greeted by both the overwhelming stench of his cologne and the sinking feeling that Keith was not, as I had assumed, gay. This wasn’t a friend date; it was a date, date –- at least to him.

He looked at me the way a creepy older man looks at a young, silly girl he’s going to buy a drink he’s planning to slip a roofie into. (…)

He checked his phone approximately 35 times and mentioned the memoir he was writing about 10 times. Apparently, he was in a band when he was younger, or something. I wasn’t really paying attention.

An American gay “blog friend” visited Toronto for the first time recently.

They were walking past the CBC building, which naturally has giant photos of all its “famous personalities” stuck all over the outside.

His partner asked, “Are all the people who work there gay?”