5 Feet of Fury

Gay blogger: ‘How the Left Uses Gays to Dismantle, Undermine, and Toxify the Catholic Church’ (video)

Gay blogger Kevin DuJan comments (and shot his own video):

If you observe the institutional Left’s strategic moves long enough, you’ll see it’s almost always gays who are bused in to block the entrances to cathedrals or churches and scream expletives at parishioners heading into mass; this is, of course, the toxification aspect of the Leftists’ agenda…since they are attempting to make going to Catholic mass so unpleasant an experience for believers that they’ll potentially start staying home, just to avoid being screamed at by obnoxious gays out on the street (most of whom, in the video above at least, are actually members of the Chicago Teachers’ Union…more on that later).