5 Feet of Fury

Pit bulls: ‘I had no idea that the tentacles of relativism had reached the canine enthusiasts’ world’

Barbara Kay’s new book includes a chapter on Kay’s weird encounters with pit bull apologists. The reviewer notes:

I had no idea that the tentacles of relativism had reached the canine enthusiasts’ world. All the buzz words exist in this subculture: my truth vs your truth, rights, racism, discrimination … right up to rhetoric about Nazis and Holocausts. Replace multiculturalism by “multicaninism” and you will get the picture. Well organized lobbyists are engaged in doing all that it takes to defend pit bulls when facts clearly show how ferocious they are.


You have to read it and judge for yourself, but just keep in mind one of many statistics presented in the essay: each year, about one pit bull in 100,000 kills someone, compared with one non pit bull in about 10 million.