5 Feet of Fury

Can you help LifeSiteNews meet their ‘matching donor’ target? It’s easy! (video)

Via email today, in part:

To get us started, this couple very generously offered to give us a check for $75,000 if we could convince a minimum of 3,500 individual persons to make a donation of any amount in the next 14 days.

Actually, they said they are hoping that as many as 7,500 people will make a donation. And, they are challenging every donor to give at least a $75 gift to LSN during this campaign!

However, they set the bare minimum goal of 3,500 donors for us to earn the $75,000. Also, since we understand that many cannot afford to give $75 (while others can give even more), donations of ANY amount will count towards reaching the minimum of 3,500 donors needed to receive the $75,000 check.

We need to reach the minimum number by the campaign end date of July 1st.