5 Feet of Fury

Mean Girls Conservatism: my NEW PJMedia article

Sure to annoy everyone, as evidenced in the comments — some of which (accidentally) do a better job of making my point than I do…

I much prefer [Jiim] Norton to the plastic “Coulter clone” he’s debating.

She’s got a list of corny “conservative” talking points she’s robotically reciting one by one, whereas Norton actually listens then responds like a normal human being.

She’s clearly certain that Norton won’t dare poke fun at her cheap personal appeal to patriotism.

She’s sadly mistaken.

Norton comported himself equally well in a recent debate about rape jokes, even refusing to be drawn in by fans who prodded him to attack his unsympathetic female opponent more harshly.

Could it be that there’s something “mean girls” conservatives could learn from this foul-mouthed, hoodie-wearing KISS fanatic?