5 Feet of Fury

Nothing Toulouse: My NEW Taki’s article

One particularly wacky Joo-hater is up early in the comments!

Anyhow, have fun:

For those unschooled in the finer points of postwar teenage subcultural anthropology, note that preppy, Lacoste-like “Fred Perry” apparel has long been treasured by, first mods, then skinheads (of various political stripes or none at all.)

They are decidedly not the clothing of choice among those on the “no-logo” left.

In other words, one could be forgiven for concluding that Meric and his pals went to that Fred Perry sale looking for a fight and got one, with tragic consequences.

That’s the left for you: making fun of “bloody” shirts one day, then metaphorically waving them the next. There’s a cute French twist in this case, too: factions throwing down over fashions.