5 Feet of Fury

‘Porterhouse Blue’ author Tom Sharpe dies, aged 85

Luckily for me, the Hamilton Public Library carried all his novels…

Born in Holloway, London, in 1928, his political education began young. His father, who was nearly 60, was a Unitarian minister, a pacifist and a socialist who became a fervent convert to the Nazi movement. (…)

 Blott On The Landscape followed in 1975, a novel about a greedy landowner’s efforts to get a motorway built across his ancestral estates.  (…)

He produced several more novels, but the world that had so enraged him, of sexual repression and barking-mad ex-military men, was gone. ‘It is so depressing,’ he said. ‘I can’t bear it. There is no such thing as the English gentleman any more. Money rules everything.’

Another example of writer’s block caused by quitting smoking. Someone may want to look into that.