5 Feet of Fury

HillBuzz marks Pride Month by taking your questions about ‘the gay community’


In the gay community, you mostly see the mainstreamers…but you must know that the true deviants like the NAMBLA crowd still exist and no effort at all is made to stamp these guys out.  They’re just kept in the basement or in the shadows, and the Gaystapo runs interference or creates distractions so you don’t think about what’s going on.  There are secret fetish and sex clubs in Chicago like “The Hell Fire Club” or “Windy City Watersports” or whatever where all sorts of bizarre things go on…and bars like Jackhammer, Touche, and Cell Block have those secret rooms where different “clubs” hold their private events and get up to all sorts of things that would probably make your eyes melt out of your face if you read about them.