5 Feet of Fury

Female Muslim beggars now cluttering up Chicago’s ‘Magnificent Mile’

Kevin has photos:

Since these women appear to be from Pakistan, Bangladesh, or elsewhere overseas and describe themselves as immigrants to passers-by (also pretending they speak little or no English, as a means of winning sympathy), I also wonder why in this county people allow the Left to so aggressively import third world peasants.  Instead of, say, doctors, education professionals, and other hardworking and respectable immigrants who would not be begging on sidewalks.  Instead, Rahm Emanuel seems to have placed an urgent order for the importation of Muslim female beggars…and I think people need to ask WHY IS THAT?

Don’t think for a second it’s not part of the Left’s social engineering long-term strategies.  Because, logically, the more third world peasants that Democrats import then the more people will be living in this country who accept the living conditions in third world Hell holes as the norm…with the added bonus that people like this depend on government handouts and are used to autocratic governments with one party rule.