5 Feet of Fury

‘Reason’ Magazine might need to change its name after this

Sailer has fun with their “Are Hispanics Too Stupid To Become Americans” article:

But, even under this best case scenario, isn’t “four or five generations” a mite long to wait to break even?

What’s the national ROI on this four or five generation project, anyway? (…)

How much of the media momentum to crush Jason Richwine isn’t just a Pavlovian response to the felt need for a triple bankshot strategy to prevent peasants with pitchforks from finally noticing that one Ellis Island immigrant group really is higher in IQ on average? (…)

Perhaps the single most beneficial contribution to improving the quality of intellectual discourse in the United States would be if the gentiles of America could somehow convince Jewish-Americans that the gentiles already know that Jews are smarter than they are on average; moreover, that this knowledge — rather than making the gentiles want to come after the Jews with their torches and crude farm implements — inclines the gentiles of America to like Jewish-Americans for being smart and witty and good with money.