5 Feet of Fury

Et tu, Cato?

A common Canadian conservative complaint is that we don’t have a network of powerful think tanks like they do in America.

Like, er, Heritage.

And now Cato.

Sailer, who is not a fellow at any right wing think tank and presumably never will be, has many exceptional posts up about the Jason Richwine scandal.

(This comes as no surprise to his long time readers. Here, he notes, for instance: “Consider Obama, who had an sub-Saharan African mother and >99% white mother. Currently, because the President chooses to self-identify as black and only black, his above average IQ would be credited wholly to blacks. But, genealogically, he’s half white and half-black. So, if his IQ were split among the white category and the black category, the white average would go up slightly and the black average would go down slightly.”)

And of course he also has a lot to say about the dubious “race is a social construct” fairy tale.

PS — John McWhorter better not turn out to be an asshole someday too.