5 Feet of Fury

Pamela Geller on Rich Lowry and ‘the Right getting it wrong’


 It was mildly amusing yesterday to see National Review’s Rich Lowry, who is a stranger to these parts, write an editorial for the NY Post, “Jailed for blasphemy — in America.” Yes, Lowry is finally speaking about the enforcement of the blasphemy laws in America. In his column, Lowry speaks about the filmmaker who has been jailed for a silly youtube video in the wake of the Islamic attack on our embasssy in Libya. (…)

Where has Lowry been for the past eight months? What took him so long? And why does the right suppress voices that speak to this subject? I can assure you that if I or one of my colleagues had submitted such a piece to the Post or any other major publication in September 2012, it would not have run. Why must the mainstream right forever play catch-up, instead of leading?