5 Feet of Fury

Carlin’s ‘Words You Can’t Say’ takes another hit


In giving all the broadcast outlets that inadvertently ran Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz a “fleeting expletive” pass for carrying his uttering the so called “F-Bomb” during his impassioned speech at Fenway Park Saturday, FCC chairman Julius Genachowski has significantly defused the power of America’s favorite dirty word.

According to TALKERS publisher Michael Harrison, “Regardless of the highly subjective ‘fleeting expletive’ criteria, Genachowski has changed the nature of ‘fuck’ forever as a forbidden word through the legal power of precedents. 

I can remember when words like ‘hell,’ ‘damn,’ ‘bitch,’ ’piss’ and even ‘suck’ were broadcast no-no’s. Now you hear them regularly and very few even raise an eyebrow. 

The English language, as we all know, is an organic, changing system of communication…as is the concept of ‘community standards.’ 

So, we have witnessed the wheel turn another click in this regard with the chairman’s pronouncement. 

The big daddy of dirty words has been demoted to secondary status on the filth chart – sort of like ‘shit’ – and can be used under the right subjective circumstances to express politically correct outrage.  Whatever are we going to do now?  We need a new forbidden word to take its place!”