In the posts as written below, a user named Dayleen who later identifies herself as Van Ryswyk, complains about having to compensate First Nations.
“It’s not the status cards, it’s the fact that we have been paying out of the nose for generations for something that isn’t our doing. If their ancestors sold out too cheap it’s not my fault and i shouldn’t have to be paying for any mistake or whatever you want to call it from MY hard earned money,” one post reads. “In my opinion, we have paid our debt … a thousand fold.”
Later, the posting laments that French was spoken during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.
“I’m getting so sick of having french stuffed down my throat … this isn’t Quebec … it’s western Canada … we speak english here … why are we forced to have it at our western Canadian hosted Olympics?”
She also accused the French and French Canadians of being “bigots.”