5 Feet of Fury

‘I wish IVF had never been invented…’

Samantha Brick writes something sensible for a change:

So when I read that the test-tube baby pioneer, Sir Robert Edwards, had died, I experienced an overwhelming range of emotions. I felt sadness for his family but, to my discomfort and shame, I also felt a jolt of anger towards a man whose work has allowed the medical profession to play God with human life.

Irrational as it might sound to those who have never been through the heartbreak of unsuccessful fertility treatment, I see this eminent professor as unwittingly responsible for the agony I have endured since discovering, four years ago, that my husband and I are unable to conceive a child together naturally.

If IVF didn’t exist, I believe we would have, eventually, got on with our lives.

Instead, we submitted ourselves to the rollercoaster of fertility treatment.