5 Feet of Fury

‘Can You At Least Be Against Third Trimester Abortions?’

Asks Gavin McInnes:

So, what’s the solution? Take the morning after pill if some idiot cums in you. That’s part of a rape kit too so don’t give me that horse shit about a father raping his daughter. If you’re too stupid to notice that you’re pregnant by the time you get to third term, you have to keep it. It’s not you’re right to behead a child because you consider it inconvenient to do otherwise. It’s called “adoption.” About half the women in this country are pro life. I’m not sure how supporting them became another example of the “war on women.”

My theory is, the “what if a father rapes his daughter?” meme got started with Peyton Place (1956) and now young folks parrot it without even realizing that, er, that book was a novel.