5 Feet of Fury

Shocka! Anti-eating-disorder blogger had been starving herself the whole time

Next time you hear that an anti-gay-marriage conservative must be “secretly gay”…

The reasons it started are manifold and aren’t really relevant right this second. And in case you’re wondering, I’m doing much better now. The reason I want to ask your forgiveness is because feminist leaders are not supposed to fall down this hole. Feminist leaders, especially those who are former Presidents of the Princeton Eating Concerns Advisors for god’s sake, are supposed to know better. After all, we know all about the Beauty Myth and we know how photoshop works and we know that it is a radical act to resist the homogenized impossible unattainable commercial vision of what beauty is. We know all this. Which is why, when I fell down that hole, I couldn’t tell anyone about it. On top of everything else – on top of being miserable and ashamed and really fucking hungry – I felt like a bad feminist, and I left like a flaming hypocrite. I felt like I was letting my readers down.

This is the exact opposite of the equally infuriating phenomenon:

The Activist Who Clearly Has NO Personal Experience With What She’s Talking About.

BONUS awesome: She spells her name with all lower-case letters. You can practically hear Tracy Chapman’s first album playing in the background…