5 Feet of Fury

‘The 4 Most Outrageous Lies in Robert Redford’s New Pro-Terrorist Movie’

I’ll be writing about The Weathermen and The Company You Keep in Taki’s tomorrow.

For now, here’s John Boot:

The film maintains a “scrupulously ethical balance in contemplating domestic terrorism,” noted the New York Times, which got that much right. Yes, this is one of those moral-equivalence movies that says terrorist violence is justified in the U.S. because the U.S. is a horrible country. The character played by Susan Sarandon is obviously based on Kathy Boudin, who was present at the Weathermen’s townhouse explosion in 1970 and, 11 years later, participated in the Brink’s bank robbery in Nanuet, New York, during which her gang murdered a security guard and two policemen. (The Vietnam War, of course, had been over for years, which gives the lie to the film’s claim that the Southeast Asia conflict was anything but a pretext for the terrorist network.)