5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer: Guns and Race


Initially, the Obama Administration dealt with the difficulty that blacks were committing murder so much more often than whites by not updating the Homicide Trends website. (…)


…rather than solve the problem of blacks committing a disparate number of murders, the Obama Administration has instead deleted the offending Web page.

And, hey:

You know that stereotype of young black males as dangerous? According to the White House, it’s true: “While young black males have accounted for about 1% of the population from 1980 to 2008…(b)y 2008, young black males made up about a quarter of all homicide offenders (27%) (Figure 23b).”

So young black males commit about 27 times more murders than their fair share of the population.

Interestingly, gun fans will appreciate the fact that blacks are also highly overrepresented among “justifiable homicides” (Cooper and Smith, Table 14), carrying out 42 percent of the roughly 260 citizen-on-felon killings per year.

Of the felons dispatched for good cause by black citizens, 93 percent of the crooks were also black.

That means that about seven or eight times per year in the United States, a black citizen kills a white criminal committing a felony.

In contrast, that seems like it happens about seven or eight times per night on television.