5 Feet of Fury

British Muslim: ‘As a community, we do have a ‘Jewish problem.’ There is no point pretending otherwise’

So there’s that…

Hasan goes on to say that as he was growing up, he had always assumed that the “Jewish obsession” among British Muslims was a first-generation immigrant problem that would die out. But as he rightly points out, it has not died out. If anything, it has grown. As he says, “In recent years, I’ve been depressed to discover that there are plenty of ‘second-generation’ Muslim youths, born and bred in multiracial Britain, who have drunk the anti-Semitic Kool-Aid. I’m often attacked by them for working in the ‘Jewish owned media.’ (…)

I should stress, incidentally, that the author of the important piece, Mehdi Hasan, is not a friend of mine. We have opposed one another over the years on multiple platforms. Several years ago I wrote about him here, in particular about a notorious video which came out showing him giving a sermon in a British mosque in which he referred to non-Muslims,as “cattle,” among other endearments. I do not believe him to be a “moderate” or anything like an ally, but this is what makes his whistle-blowing piece even more striking: he should be congratulated for it.