5 Feet of Fury

BREAKING: Is an accused terrorist trying to shut down my husband’s blog?

Arnie did some digging…


BlazingCatFur is hosted at Blogger.com, which is owned by Google.

Since the “accused terrorist” complained to Google about four of Arnie’s posts, Google sent Arnie a “take down” notice and he had to comply.

However, my blog is not hosted at Blogger, so I’m free to reprint the “offending” posts, below.

The one below is the most important; the rest will be posted later today…

“The Ottawa Muslim Terrorists, the RS Foundation and the Blood Libel MasterCard”

1) Square Mile Wife breaks the story on the Blood Libel MasterCard which supports the RS Foundation, an alleged not for profit charity that does work overseas, primarily in Muslim nations.

The story is picked up by bloggers and shopped to media, no one is interested in digging deeper into the RS Foundation, despite the added weight of government officials pushing this story on media contacts beyond our own connections. The RS Foundation continues to receive favourable press from the usual suspects; August 14th “Every year we have a dinner during Ramadan, and this year, we’ll be donating a major portion of what we collect to flood relief in Pakistan,” said RS Foundation volunteer Shujaat Wasty.

2) The Ottawa Terror arrests occur in order to prevent “financial support” going to international terrorists for weapons to attack western coalition forces.” Perhaps it was the type of “financial support” that can easily be channelled via an innocuous charitable foundation?  

So what did we learn? 

The good: CSIS, the CSE and the RCMP did a great job for which we are all indebted, well except for one thing – they should have given credit to Scaramouche for comin up with “Project Samosa“, c’mon we know some of you guys read that blog! You stole it, we know it.

The bad: Too many among the MSM are either jaded beyond redemption or they are cowards & useful idiots. The Blood Libel MasterCard got a lot of play on the blogs, but not a single mention in the MSM. I see the visits to my own blog from the Globe, the Star, Canwest, CTV, the CBC et al, someone had to notice. Some who were contacted expressed interest but had good reason not to follow up, reporters don’t get to pick and choose the stories they cover and admittedly this wasn’t as sexy as a boatload of gatecrashing Tamils.

As for the rest I’m left shaking my head in wonder and with alot of questions. Perhaps a Jew Baiting 9/11 Truther fronting an alleged charity is the new normal, even acceptable in some circles? It’s not as if we haven’t witnessed agenda driven journalism in the MSM before, especially when it concerns the “muslim community”. How much smoke does there have to be before someone decides to see if there’s a fire? Is the MSM cowed or motivated by political correctness? Have they been castrated by fear of a Muslim Backlash? 

What if the authorities hadn’t been on to these guys?