5 Feet of Fury

Ashley Judd was asking for it

So let’s review:

Ashley Judd reportedly tweets that buying Apple products is “akin to rape.”

(Even though she owns an iPhone.)

Stephen Crowder responds by saying that her apparent “obsession with rape” is “pretty unnerving.”

But he’s the brainless clod??

Typical leftist tactic:

Concern trolling, faux outrage, moral preening — desperately steering attention away from the idiot in their midst by smearing anyone who notices her stupidity.

Sadly, it still works, although not always.

Crowder via email:

So HuffingtonPost is outright lying and trying to slander me, and I could really use support.

As you know, Ashley Judd has recently been heard equating both mining and purchasing Apple Products to “rape.” 

So my commentary at CPAC on her stupid, and insensitive comparisons was exactly this:

“This just in, Ashley Judd just tweeted that purchasing apple products is akin to rape… from her iPhone”

I followed it up with “Rape? Really, now she knows what my mind felt like after Divine Secrets of YaYaSisterhood”

Clearly taking aim at Ashley Judd for her stupid rape comments.  Instead, HuffPo says that I made a “rape joke” about Ashley Judd. 

Obviously this narrative is important, and I would reeeaaally welcome some any support in resetting it.