In what can be described as more TDSB theatre of the absurd, an obscure six-week-old blog comment resulted in police visiting his home like one might see back in the day of the Stasi in communist East Germany. (…)
Arnie has created a mega-post of every story he’s written exposing the Toronto District School Board’s insanity.
UPDATE: Kate’s readers ask: Will the TDSB “investigate” the city’s numerous fireworks stores selling “Burning School Houses”?
Ed Driscoll: “Oh, that liberal fascism…”
Lemaire does the work that reporters and journalists used to do — investigative journalism — and what he has exposed is jaw-dropping. You didn’t think those fascists were going to take exposing their depraved curriculum lying down, did you?
It seems a wee bit over-sensitive for a school board that promotes murderous goons like Che Guevara and cop-killers like the Black Panthers as role models to its young charges to get its knickers in a twist over a blog post. But, of course, for leftie social engineers, the glamor of the revolutionary aesthetic is mostly a useful cover for inculcating a bovine, unquestioning statist compliance from which no deviation is permitted.
Society for Quality Education:
Apparently, the Toronto District School Board has either a really thin skin or missed the English class on figures of speech.
Laura Rosen Cohen writes:
How much does it cost to send not one, but two detectives on a visit such as this? Seriously-I’d be interested to know. (…)
I hope this investigation attempted intimidation gets lots of attention and completely blows up in their faces (joke, joke for the TDSB’s sensitivity police).
I guess if I was some petty, narrow-minded leftist who didn’t want the public to know what I was doing in taxpayer-funded schools, I’d be upset with bloggers who shine a light on me and my activities, too. I get the TDSB’s touchiness, but what is truly frightening is that the police investigated the matter. Obviously BCF’s comment that “OISE and the TDSB need to be purged, or burnt to the ground” — a comment made in connection to the blogger exposing the educrats promoting the Black Panthers — was clearly a rhetorical flourish and not serious. (Ironically, the Black Panthers would approve of such tactics, but …)
I think there might be another reason for the TDSB going after the blogger: professional jealousy. On Blazing Cat Fur’s worst day he does more to inform his readers than the Toronto District School Board does to educate their students on their best day.