5 Feet of Fury

Everyone involved is a doofus

I agree with the questioner, although I would have (I hope) phrased his question less accusingly:

One’s ethnic and religious background does impact the way we see things and subsequently write about them. Duh.

However, the questioner is a moron — hint: he writes for the New York Times — if he thinks the Irish “Troubles” are analogous to the war between Islam and the Jews.

Muslim leaders have indicated time and time and time again that disputed “borders” are not their real beef with Israel. If they were, then Arafat would’ve accepted the 98%-of-his-(fake)-demands deals he was offered again and again.

No, the Koran tells Muslims to kill Jews, period. Of course, Muslim leaders can’t admit that in polite company, so they dress up their desires in terms dumb Westerners recognize: borders, treaties, refugees, etc.

Whereas the Pope never told Catholics to kill Protestant (quite the opposite, in fact) and the Bible has no such commandment, by any stretch of the imagination.

Anyway, now you’ve been treated to a glimpse inside the mind of a man paid large sums of cash to write for the world’s “paper of record.”

Speaking of the New York Times:

Coates never mentions the name of the place. I had to find that out somewhere else.

It’s the Milano Market. Too pricey for me. Everyone who works there is either Hispanic, or Muslim – or perhaps, African. But that’s true of ALL the small markets in all of Manhattan, not just the UWS. There are no white deli help, cashiers, stockers, etc.*

If he was stopped, it was not by a white person.

But of course, it’s all whitey’s fault.

The comments are sickening. Sometimes the Times actually has perceptive or dissenting comments, but apparently not this time.