5 Feet of Fury

Jonah Goldberg: Greatest Generation is also the most entitled

It’s a point Dennis Prager has been making for a while, too. The kids they raised are no great shakes, either.

I’d put it more nastily, of course:

Old people are living too long and are costing us money, and their children ruined the world.

Retirement is/was a fad.

Millions of old people are forcing us, and the government, to provide them with a (very long) lifetime supply of Pet Rocks, because some long dead crook named FDR promised they could have ’em for free, fifty years in the future.

These are the same damn people who gave us hippies. They owe US as far as I can see.

Anyway, here’s Goldberg:

I don’t mean to belittle or demean the heroic efforts and sacrifices of those who served in World War II. But the idea that a whole generation deserves credit for what only some did is little more than an attempt to buy glory on the cheap. One of the egalitarian precepts that all Americans are supposed to subscribe to is the idea that one citizen isn’t more worthy than another, simply by accident of birth. If you stormed the beaches of Normandy, you are due praise and honor. If you were simply born the same year as those who stormed the beaches, you’re no more deserving of praise than someone born of any other generation.