5 Feet of Fury

Bad news for conservative Catholics: Child molestation cases pre-date Vatican II, ‘sexual revolution’

Not my problem any more…

Remember this next time you hear “but there’s been a rise in vocations!!”

In the late 1990s, I had a conversation with a leading Catholic layman that brought home to me how deep the rot went. He knew a priest who, upon being named to head a diocesan seminary, discovered that chastity was not there the norm. He made an appointment to see the Bishop of the diocese for the purpose of informing him of the problem, and he asked permission to weed out those who were sexually active. “If we do not do this now,” he reportedly said, “there will be terrible trouble when these young men are unleashed on the diocese.” The Bishop replied that he wanted nothing done. “I want numbers,” he said, and numbers he got.

Not long after I had this conversation, this particular Bishop became an Archbishop, and soon thereafter he was named a Cardinal. The diocese he left behind has been a cesspool ever since


The interim dean of Saint Louis University’s law school is stepping down after making a series of controversial comments, saying that he is too politically incorrect for the job, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Thomas Q. Keefe took over the position last year amid controversy, when the law school’s dean resigned abruptly over disagreements with the Jesuit institution’s president, the Rev. Lawrence Biondi. But Mr. Keefe raised eyebrows when he said he would exercise independence in the role and would not be Father Biondi’s “butt boy.” Other comments landed him in more trouble, including one in which he said he got “drunker than 10 big Indians,” a remark that he does not deny making, according to the newspaper.