5 Feet of Fury

Occupy Underage P*ssy!! ‘Anti-racists’ not anti-rape?

Not even a tiny bit shocking.

Two movement chicks told me their movement boyfriends either raped or beat them back in my anarcho-peacenik days.

At least my boyfriend was just a goofy trust fund drunk. (Who — if I’d told him either story — would’ve beaten the crap out of the two guys he innocently considered upright fellow “feminists.”)

Note that the perp admits to “taking advantage of an underage girl/and other girls in the scene.”

Now as you know, these people suffer from semantic diarrhea: to them, everything is “rape.”

In this case, however, the fellow in question can’t bring himself to type the word “rape,” a word he’d have NO trouble throwing at anyone else.

He says these events occurred “in the scene.” That is, the “progressive,” Occupy Wall Street, anarchist punk “scene,” where men and women are equal and violence is bad.

In other words, he was already politically enlightened when he committed these acts, and did them anyway.

(And in what would be a funny touch if it weren’t so awful, he even deigns to use the State’s “oppressive” term, “underage.” I thought you didn’t believe in laws, dude?!)

If the left wing “feminist” “progressives” who regularly attack me as a “racist homophobe” knew about the real dirt I have on them, they’d be much quieter…