5 Feet of Fury

‘Here Comes Honey Jigaboo Boo’

Jim Goad on the latest reality TV controversy:

The resultant blacklash was even funnier than the show’s description. Boyce Watkins in the Huffington Post called the program “an insult to Black Parents Everywhere,” adding that “11 children with 10 women is like spraying your sex organs in every direction without thinking much about the target.”

On the esteemed MyBrownBaby website, Nick Chiles said the show impeded black America’s “upliftment,” predicting that “anthropologists will one day point to Shawty Lo (aka Carlos Walker) and ‘All My Babies’ Mamas’ as the cultural nadir of America, the moment when we ceased to have a functioning moral compass….” (…)

And the Chicago Tribune‘s Clarence Page offered up an exasperated “Lincoln freed us for this?”