5 Feet of Fury

Shaming the Gun-Shame Lobby

Brian LaSorsa:

Nothing makes me happier than to see these fools stumble. In effect, we’re shaming the gun-shame lobby. We’re pointing out their ridiculous contradictions and the dangerously shallow foundations on which they stand, and we’re doing it with a laugh.

That’s the gun lobby’s future. They played the media against itself. It was quick, playful, spontaneous, and effective.

NOTE: That prankster spirit is alive in Canada, too…

In April, the long-gun registry was ended for all but Quebec residents who sought and won an injunction to keep the registry in tact. However, there is no criminal penalty attached to not registering long guns and since the federal government repealed the registry, gun registration in Quebec is on the honor system.

That prompted gun owners to have a little fun with it. They began the Great Canadian Gun Registry Shuffle. In an attempt to make the gun registry unusable, Canadians began shuffling guns. They’d sell guns to each other and then back again. In one month, they shuffled 420,000 guns.