5 Feet of Fury

Why does Michael Moore NEED 8000 calories a day, anyhow…?

George Jonas:

Strictly speaking, no one “needs” anything but a breath of air, a cup of water and a bowl of rice. The rest are individual choices we make as free human beings, if that’s what we are, instead of wards of the state. Liberty means not having to answer, explain, or justify, any of our choices to anyone.

Why does anyone need a military assault rifle? I’ve no idea. I certainly don’t, but at one time I owned six motorcycles (and knew people who owned 20). I would have had no trouble explaining why I needed them, but would have highly resented having to do so. (…)

But in fact guns are easier to justify than motorcycles or cats.

Guns protect. We buy them as taxpayers for our politicians’ bodyguards. As long as we don’t buy them for our own protection, few politicians object.