5 Feet of Fury

‘Slain ambassador to Libya aided the jihadists who later murdered him’

From the comments at JihadWatch:

After studying these environments and populations for years he actively implemented policies that anyone with such experience should have known would end in disaster, and which affect us all because he was blinded by his peace-nik narcissism.

As I’ve said before, I don’t like to hear about anyone being murdered, and I condemn this savagery and these savages, but this fellow was guilty, at the least, of criminal negligence on a global scale that could, and may still, result in the death of all of us. 

That’s a world of difference from your average American Granny who just doesn’t know a whole lot about the subject.

UPDATE: Unconfirmed reports that like Ghadafi, the US Ambassador was raped before he was murdered. (Disturbing photo WARNING.)