5 Feet of Fury

Great Canadian Gun Registry Shuffle a big success

Canadians tend to shy away from this kind of mischief-making activism, so I’m thrilled to hear that the Canadian Shooting Sports Association’s campaign is taking off.

I’m not prepared to part with my 20 gauge, or I’d participate.

They report:

This CSSA initiative prompted thousands of responses from firearms owners who exchanged 45,000+ guns in the first week.

Good job, gun owners. Together we can cast doubt over the efficacy of the remaining gun registry data for those persons who keep insisting the data is useful to create provincial registries. Let us know how many firearms you shuffle – we don’t want to know who you are, who you exchanged with or where the guns are. That’s nobody’s business but yours, and that’s how we want to keep it.

 The shuffle has prompted many gun owners to note that they have been buying, selling and trading firearms like hotcakes since the registry was scrapped last April. The CSSA is using the following stats to bang that point home: The RCMP says that 850,000 guns change hands each year. So, more than 300,000 transfers have occurred in the past five months since the registry was trashed. What good could the registry possibly be for provinces in the future if the data no longer has any correlation with reality?

Keep your stats coming to the CSSA by filling out the quick questionnaire at: The Great Canadian Registry Shuffle.