5 Feet of Fury

Obama’s ‘Supermarket Scanner’ Moment?

Ed Driscoll is taking some heat in the comments for this, but I respectfully suggest some of them are missing his main point a bit. That is: if this had been a Republican president, etc. etc.

And it’s worth noting (and I know Ed knows this) that Bush 41 was head of the CIA at one point. I like to imagine he’d seen technology we can only dream of (although that may be putting too much faith in the CIA…)

Good politicians act surprised and impressed by stuff when they’re taking tours. It’s called “being polite” and looking humble.

He wasn’t unfamiliar with supermarket scanners — see Snopes’ fine review of the situation — but undoing vintage media lies is almost impossible, even with the internet, and even with the imprimatur of Snopes. The lies are just too entrenched.

For what its worth, I don’t know how to use a cell phone either. When Arnie’s rings, I just stare at it stupidly.

Never had one and never wanted one. Will probably have to break down and get one before year end, though.