5 Feet of Fury

‘White People Are Pussies’

Derb writes:

Whose fault is it that London and Liverpool’s streets are now blighted with what expats living in Saudi Arabia refer to as “BMOs”—black moving objects?

Why, it’s the fault of the British themselves for letting it happen. You get what you vote for. No native Briton should ever have cast a vote for any party whose platform did not include a clear ban on mass Third World immigration. Why did the British yield on this? Because they’re pussies. (…)

Given the statistical profiles of sub-Saharan Africans—low averages for paternal investment and IQ, high ones for time preference and criminality—permitting settlement by thousands of Africans is a sensationally dumb idea.

Africans from the Horn of Africa, though—Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti—are Africans squared, with societies even more dysfunctional than the African average, and sensational total fertility rates: 6.26, 5.39, 4.37, 2.63, respectively.