5 Feet of Fury

Feminism’s rotting corpse: My NEW Taki’s piece

As usual, have “fun” in the comments (where — not surprisingly given the subject matter — the “Jooz” turn up VERY early, in comment #2 — possibly a new “personal best”!)

Progressives either don’t know or care that a key component of Firestone’s theories turned out to be junk science of the most tragic sort. The Dialectic of Sex holds up the aforementioned Dr. Money’s findings on gender “fluidity” based upon his work with a twin named Bruce Reimer, whose penis had been rendered “unrescuable” during circumcision.

Dr. Money spied a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to test his radical theories in the real world. He assured Reimer’s parents that babies are born genderless, counseling them to raise Bruce as “Brenda.” After a lifetime of anguish, including a sex change back to male again, Bruce committed suicide in 2004.

But while academics and “educators” forcibly incarnate the discredited musings of a troubled young woman from the Nixon era, it is pop culture that seems, in spite of itself, to instinctively recoil at all this “liberation”…