5 Feet of Fury

Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla mock Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ rhetoric: BUMPED

Enjoy this free bonus, commercial free one-hour chat!

UPDATE: some nice person put the audio on YouTube…



Thank God for Superfan Giovanni:

They’ve now transitioned to Sammy Johns “Chevy Van” they’re doing live commentary on it and the rapey implications of it. Adam is fucking with Drew who doesn’t seem to get they are that quick and are playing the song Adam is talking about, Adam is still fucking with him, hilarious!

They are using this song as an example of the various themes of the 1970′s that have now ruined today’s society, Drew is being super harsh and very funny, Adam keeps dropping gold.

The control room just fired up Gary Puckett’s “Young Girl”, it’s been so long since Adam has sang along and broke down the song. he mixed up the artist. He’s really going for it, by far the most Adam singing on air in some time, great stuff! Drew has some brilliant observations now. Drew is now screaming with each lyric, Adam is going for it.

PLUS NEW Dennis Prager/Adam Carolla audio for sale as digital downloads.