5 Feet of Fury

The real story is in the comments… if they let you read them

A reader alerts me to this TIME story on Lee Harvey Oslo, and the French author who (correctly) deduces that whatshisname’s rampage was a response to multiculturalism.

(The author — incorrectly, and very Frenchly — adds that the rampage was very “literary” or “elegant” or something. I don’t see it. One could argue the (twisted) aesthetic appeal of the JFK assassination or the detonation of an H-bomb or the destruction of the WTC, but this? This uncultured Anglo doesn’t see it.)

There are over 1300+ comments under the story.

The loyal 5FF reader adds this intriguing note:

It would seem at time.com, the three most popular comments on a (largely) multicultural thread, have been ‘flagged for review’

The 3 most most highly regarded comments on the site (over 1000 “likes”combined) have been removed.

P.S. You have to set the search option for “most popular” or “best rating”