5 Feet of Fury

‘Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you’

I just went to see The Dark Knight Rises because I’m taping a segment with David Menzies about it on Wednesday.

I’ll save my deep thoughts for air.

Instead, I thought Young People Today might want to keep playing the “Grandpa DeNiro Game,” especially since I still can’t believe “Robin” is the little kid from 3rd Rock.

(Oh, look, I was right: That WAS Tom Conti. I thought he died…)

Anyhow, gather ’round, college-age kiddies…

When I was your age, “Commissioner Gordon” was this guy:

(Yes, Courtney Love was robbed. She was born to play Nancy but this whatshername was already cast, so Love ended up as an extra.)

The guy playing the President has played the President before:

Here’s that “Foley” guy, back in 1987:

And even before my time — meet “Alfred the Butler”: